Friday 4 November 2011

Connecting With Anything

Usually when an individuals speaks off connectivity, it all relates back to a communication device such as phones, computers, GPS and etc. However, in connectivity not only these particular devices are involved, but any other things one could find laying around the house or in college, even one's work place. An example would be such as the car alarm key, shoes, gloves, shirts, and etc which could relate to us in a way that it will affect us in a particular way. For example, some shoes today has the ability to measure one's heart rate and give the user a result whether or not that particular person is overweight or underweight and gives advice in having to achieve the perfect body shape which anyone could ask for through exercising. However, there are already such product in the market and is definitely scary to have objects such as shoes, gloves which usually one just wear them for comfort, able to talk to the user. It's as though the object is particularly talking to you. 

In fact another, point to relate back to object talking to us are us talking to objects. With the emergence of Twitter and blogs, who are these people actually talking to whenever they post something up upon into the internet. Looking into the case of Twitter, one usually updates on their inner thoughts and post it up upon their own Twitter's profile home page but there actually no one in the other side behind the wall, who is actually listening to this particular person's Tweets. Thus, this comes in on a weird scenario between human and communications with the Internet. Even looking at blogs, people are actually just posting stuff upon the internet as though these people are talking to the internet as though it understands the user very much and treat it as a place to release their emotion. 

Looking also at the latest technology implemented by Apple for the IPhone 4S which allows the voice recognition technology that allows users to talk to the Phone to input their message to send to other people. This already is as though asking a person to type out the letter or note for the user. These is in relation to the readings of Julian Bleecker writings, that mentions on the theory of Blogjects that people are communicating or talking with objects but not the usual humans anymore, which includes me as I'm typing this particular blog post. It's alright to talk to these objects and share one inner thoughts with these objects as an emotional release as sometimes no one really will appreciate and spend the time to listen to one's complains or thoughts as most people rather focus on their own issues rather than others. 

The problem arises when these objects which we are communicating with, one day decides to stop working with us and starts a rebel as in future these objects may have their own A.I (Artificial Intelligence). The world where a scenario is similar to the movie of Terminator that objects start to rebel against the human race as the objects believe that they are more superior and better. This will definitely be an issue, which could be worrying that may upset the balance between mankind. However, is definitely will be interesting being able to communicate with any of your own objects and not having the issue of these objects controlling or taking control over the master. Ever realize sometimes when you use your own item or equipment you feel more comfortable and have a more efficient usage of the object for example, having to type on your own laptop is much more faster as compared to typing on a friend's laptop which you are not familiarize with, what does this actually mean? Is it because in a way we have understood the object as we have already been using and communicating with it for a long time? or is it because we have understand the object inner feelings such as it has a soul... 

Writings are based on the readings of Julian Bleecker "A Manifesto for Networked Objects — Cohabiting with Pigeons, Arphids and Aibos in the Internet of Things". 

Thursday 3 November 2011

Google and The Android Operating Software

Astoundingly compared to the past, phones have definitely evolved to a whole different level with the concept of convergence in place as discussed earlier in the older blog post, it became a device which have many different type of functions capability all in one small single handheld device which today known as the Smartphones. Phones today are somewhat similar to one could refer to as a miniature computer as well which gives the exact same function of a normal computer but the difference is that it can now fit into one's pocket. Revolving around this term of "computers" Google has bought over the Android Operating Software in July 2005 and have given a different aim compared to Apple, whereby the aim of Google was to open a whole new kind of wireless interface based on the open source Linux Operating Software. 

As a mobile phone user, currently am only using the older version Sony Ericsson operating software which no longer used by the company in the newer phones developed by the organization that had moved to the Android OS for the newer model phones. Currently have been on the search for a new mobile phone to replace my older Sony Ericsson C902 model, at first was only looking at the specs of the variety of Smartphones in the market today and not focusing on the Operating Software. Then as I tested my friends Smartphones, they as the consumer have already know the pros and cons of their own phone which will give me an idea of what my next phone would be. Previously when buying a phone, it usually focuses on the specs of a particular phone, whether does it have a good camera, a good speaker, a good space of storage and whether does it lags? today is different as the method of purchase of phone by users also now discuss on the particular type of operating software as different operating software have their own particular application store which have special applications just for that particular phone software as well compatibility with the phone's specs. 

If I were to choose between the operating softwares, I would prefer the Nokia Operating software as compared to the rest. Android will come in second place of my choice of operating software. Mainly because due to the fact that I would like to have more open source applications rather than having to pay for each application as compared to the IOS application store or more commonly known as Apple App Store. In addition, I choose the Symbian OS by Nokia as well is because that Nokia been in the Phone industry for a very long time and is one of the largest established companies in the mobile phone industry which gives me great trust towards the products and services done by them. The way Apple IOS is implying is as though information is controlled in a way which to gain this specific information, one must pay to attain the information as compared to the Symbian and Android software. The main reason Android is still one of my choice is due to the fact of the founders of Google, Andy Rubin and his team of coming up with a long term vision of establishing a marketing strategy which focuses in the future development of the wireless interface as a better and more comfortable efficient for information searching and internet browsing through these mobile devices. Given the combination of 34 established companies collaborating with Google, and also in the future definitely there will be an increase collaboration with the Google corporation in order to make a better wireless interface for the consumer to use. So having more people collaborating especially in the terms of the industry, definitely the Android OS have still lots of improvements to be made and even today the Android OS is still developing very much more which gives me hope that it would definitely have lots more variety of functionality in a particular phone to make it one of the greatest phone to ever have in one's hands.  

Writing are based readings on Daniel Roth's article in Wired Magazine on "Google's Open Source Android OS Will Free the Wireless Web"

Saturday 29 October 2011

Democracy Through Facebook & Twitter

From the past up until today, everyone crave for the right to have freedom, and most often spokes of today would the issue in relation to freedom of speech in few countries. Everyone wants to have able to voice opinion regarding issues ongoing in individuals own country such as subjects in relation to democracy issues within a country or country's income or even tax payments. The people have no one to turn to, in the case of media usage as well certain countries media are being governed by officials to ensure no news in relation to the goverment officials which are bad are displayed in front of millions of people via Broadcast, print, interactive and any other types of media out there today. In the past, it seems so believable that everything especially in television media are all so believable especially in news, and also if one have discomforts about a particular news especially in relation to politics, it can become really controversial in one's words.

Today, is different with the emergence of the internet media and the two major social networking sites Twitter & Facebook. Anyone can just post up a status in their own wall telling everyone in his/her social circle of friends. Any discomfort can be just post up on Facebook or Twitter. These two platforms of the internet has given many people the need of individuals to voice out their opinions and thoughts without having too much trouble with officials authority. It has given people a possible loophole in expressing one's inner thoughts or dissatisfaction towards the higher authorities. The need to voice out is very important to people especially in having a fully democratic country, where govern officials can take a look into the public needs and work upon having satisfying the needs and wants of the people. Having to filter or disallowing comments of the public but claiming one country as a democratic society, one could say the main core of democracy is not even there to begin with, without people there wont be a country, without a country there will be no government or without the people there will be no king.

The Word of mouth, is a definite more stronger effect compared to the ones seen on official media such as television, radio, newspaper, magazines, govern internet sites and etc, people will believe their own friends and relatives more rather than the media. Thus, with Facebook and Twitter, any latest news, trend, fashion, event, activity people will have access to this information on these social networking sites which friends and relatives of each individuals 1 out of 10 people will very least post up few of the latest scoop of news on their wall which thus can be seen on the Wall of each individuals allowing comments to be made. Looking into Twitter as well, similarly it has trends which have "#" for trend setting which will give people to know what are the in topics in today's society throughout the whole world, and people can just type in whatever each of them wants to into their Twitter Tweet box status and then posting it up. These 2 platforms have greatly served the need of the people in the position of freedom of speech which allow anyone to just post anything up on the internet.

The internet especially major sites such as Facebook, Twitter, and Youtube have really change the perception of keeping people updated with latest stories around the world also gives room for people in public to voice out their opinion upon anything which are posted up upon the internet or anything which is happening in world today. With just one comment box and a topic, anything can happen especially between the users which will open up to sometimes more to a reproductive stage of allowing govern officials to work on satisfying the wants and needs of the people, for example: X says "Hey! this group of people are stupid, then another user comes, Y says "You think you very smart? Chinese ****?" thus racial conflict will happen with never ending comments by more and more users adding oil to the flame which sometimes can actually benefit the government officials by analyzing the problems faced by their people then helping them in return of helping themselves to develop into a better country.

With the simple mechanism of freedom of speech such as Facebook and Twitter, it definitely has a larger impact then the previous media in the past history of media usage which has actually revolutionize every manner of activity of how work, entertainment, information gathering is done.

Readings are based on
"Facebook and Twitter are just places revolutionaries go" by Evgeny Morozov

Sunday 16 October 2011

Free Flow of Information!

The internet is a place which contains and produces lots of information by the prosumers or produsers of the internet. Internet offers a place which everything is decentralized meaning no one has control over this particular platform which make it a place that promotes freedom. However, freedom may seems like a nice or wonderful term to think of, sometimes freedom which may be a good thing to many people it also can be bad towards the people (everyone). Anything people need today in particular to information, most people will refer to the internet to get the latest scoop of the real news, what does one means by real news? fairly because news on television, newspaper, radio or any media except the internet is filtered. One of it is because is governed by the government to ensure the news that is delivered to the public will not cause panic or chaos to the public. 

It seems to be a fairly rigid reason one may assume to say, however as much as an organization wants to filter a particular news, somehow or another people will tend to know the truth behind a particular news even if is filtered in a way which might make a person seem powerful or glamorous but in actual fact the person may be a corrupted person in nature, which uses the media towards his advantage to gain popularity. People will know the truth behind every single detail regarding a particular news as time goes by. However, there are times such as things which people should not need to know is posted on the internet such as a particular platform organization Wikileaks.  

Sometimes, does people really need to know on details such as diary of the wars from people who was participating in war of America against Iraq, or on prisoner details in Guantanamo, are all these necessary one must mention. Firstly, these information may not affect any ordinary people's life but after publishing certain materials in the internet, it starts to become a factor and takes major impact upon people's life for example details of prisoners in Guantanamo, definitely there are reason why officials doesn't want details on prisoners to go public, first of all some of the prisoners could be leaders of a notorious gang leaders which could spark chaos towards the gang to start a rebel in helping to break the leader out of the jail, why not right? This could also cause, people to start wondering who are exactly all these people and why are they jail'd inside Guantanamo prison causing public to want to just visit the prison for entertainment purposes. Anything could happen which could endanger people's life having the free flow of information. 

Information, sometimes has to be controlled, a balance would be nice to be seen, easy to say but hard to do definitely putting one self into government officials sit, but also people want to know more of everything happening around the world. What would be the best solution to this? Regulating news then having people to find out the actual fact which is actually very different from officials point of view, or having people to not know whats happening around them, then suddenly hit them hard in life which could endanger them. 


Citizen Journalism

As technology improve throughout each second of our daily life, media sort to evolve as well and follows the flow of technological advancement. Thus, due to this fact one of the greatest media industry of all time has been affected greatly which is the under the journalism category. Today, most with internet access gets their news from the online platform due to journalism timeliness, whereby most news has to be up to date which will give the latest scoop of the dirt. Compared to the traditional media newspaper, is slower and by the time a reader gets to read a particular news, is old story as the ones with online access can retrieve the news way earlier compared to those waiting for the newspaper to publish the particular news. This is great news to everybody, but with growing platforms such as Facebook, lots of people instead of heading to the official news website, they just read it of people's wall in Facebook or status update which seem to be faster and more convenient and best part of all the news of a particular event is done by that person's friend or contact in Facebook personally. What does this means? Due to the fact of convergence, is so easy to bring along a camera, a writing tool, or even better just recording a whole particular incident. Lots of this case had happen, which have been posted on social networking sites such as Facebook which will gives the story more direct compared to the news agency which have sometimes distort the news value due to filtering & gatekeeping by the Editors of a particular news central. People would rather have the dirt than having something which is distort that blurs the view of news reporting, and capturing a particular event just through usage of mobile phones like Nokia N8, Apple iPhone, Samsung Galaxy SII, or any other phone that could act as a multi platform for news capturing and reporting. In short, even normal people can be journalist today and not needing a particular official journalist to work to give the inside scoop of an event, but the users themselves. Main highlight towards citizen journalism is credibility of a particular news, anyone can just come up with their own news today, with many different softwares online today which allows people to create their own particular videos and can insert many filters and effects to make a particular video seem real thus lying to many people just to get visitors to their own particular online page. Users of the internet has to watch out as well and be the editor the same time, meaning ensure that whatever news which one got can be measured whether a particular news is credible. How may one do so? simple just check in other online sources and official news page website, whether that particular news is broadcasted or shown in their website also with the information along it.

Thursday 29 September 2011

Longtail - Information, Demands, Statistics

Ever wonder? where is it possible for each of us to get the item we want but not in the local context, but can only get the items outstations. Thus the platform we use to gain our particular items will be of course the internet. One major factor of relation in Internet with the Longtail theory is that, Internet is the best platform that particularly describe the concept of the Longtail theory because firstly internet provides an abundance amount of information, second it has an unlimited amount of storage space and these particular information can be accessed at anytime and anyplace as long internet connection is provided. As explain'd internet is a great example of the Longtail concept, and here's a situation, Looking into the internet there are many information as mentioned, but all this information are not necessary important or useful to us, but only certain information or data, take an example of journals compared Facebook, the demand for Facebook information is definitely way much higher compared to those searching for a particular Journal. Thus this gives a great view on the demands or distribution of information showing that information on Facebook is at highest peak or rather one can say that the more popular a brand or product is the higher it will be in the position of the Longtail theory. Here is a view on the Longtail concept as the following image shows it;

Figure 1.0: The Longtail Concept

Information is always there, just it depends whether people wants the particular information or not. A hypothesis can be derived saying the higher the popularity of certain product, name, information or anything, the higher it will be placed in the concept positioning of the Longtail theory. 

A reading based on Kevin Kelly's article on "Better Than Free" talks more on the concept of Longtail in a particular way which emphasizes on making the digital materials valuable, the more valuable it is the higher also it will be placed in the Longtail concept. Thus there are eight criteria as mentioned by Kelly on making the digital materials valuable;

When something is new, obviously one would prefer to know more out of it so that one wouldn't get left behind the trend, an example will be the emergence of  the Apple Ipad2 launch in the market, everyone would like to have an Ipad 2, first day itself its sold out. People were practically camping outside the Apple merchandise store before the launch of the Ipad 2 in the market. Thus, at the heat of the moment Ipad 2 can be considered as one of the highest talk about topic by everyone during the moment of launching of Ipad 2 even if is just a sentece such as "What is this nonsense? everyone so crazy about Ipad 2", thus even if is a sentence, people still talks about it and thus sometimes search more information relating to this particular heat up topic.  

Personalizing things online such as blogs, websites will definitely make things more interesting and unique to look at as well which usually gives a break through of clutter with the abundance of information online, personalizing would definite make one possible break through of clutter among the similar information. 

As understood, gaining a particular data from the internet sometimes can be a little messy especially if its a new software application. Having to understand the functionality of the software may require users to read through a series of instructions or manuals to enable the users to understand the software or usually people will tend to self-learn the program rather than referring to a long guided words of instructions. Making a particular product, service, brand or anything easier will tend to make people happier and attracted to the particular thing making it more popular. 

Anywhere, anything people want in value have to be firstly original in the sense it comes from a recognizable credible distributor. Anyone can have handphones, DVD's, Games and any other many things but when it comes down to authenticity, the products or things people have may be fakes and have lost in value. Authentic materials will have a definite more higher appreciation because it usually are hard to get the product thus making one of value become higher and much more valuable compared to the fakes. An example of authenticity issue would be such as in China having their very own imitation of any other product or services served internationally around the world. 

Having the internet have given much comfort for us to access information easily today 24 hours a day & 7 days a week anytime and any place as long there is internet connection. Thus gaining accessibility to certain materials unable to be found in one's own country can be found all on the internet which just a few clicks away, thus accessibility as well has to be easy for users especially in having to move around the particular website page in allowing these users to have a liking towards the website in order to have further more people to come and join in the particular website as well. This accessibility shouldn't be too complicated until the fact users had to go through manuals in order to learn them, ocasionally interactivity can be inserted to help on the accessibility such as mouse over then having a blurb to pop out giving instructions but then again a better website would be of course, after navigating around the website awhile, users will automatically tend to understand the interface provided by the website without the need of having to go through a manual which could be very dry at times especially to people who aren't into reading as much to bookworms.  

At times when we want to listen to music, not necessary we will have the particular music perhaps on our laptop which is why the radio station come in handy by requesting the songs one wants through the radio station websites or by calling the deejay in that particular radio station. However sometimes one requested the song already is unable to hear it and is a real waste of time having to stay in the car just to listen to one particular song one has requested. I would prefer to have that certain flexibility in another media thus Internet is the option one would prefer at times because today there is also Internet radio to enable one listen to a particular radio station to hear the requested song as one's computer might not have the particular song.

To retain ones personal brand or product quality, is always good to have a great service provided to the consumers. One could imagine a platform such as the internet would be one of the best ways to answer questions by the consumers on the product quality services. Thus, a forum could be one of the ways for the creator and the consumer to have an interpersonal communication at different time period. This allows the consumer and creator to be able to stay connected to each other and this allow them to have a strong bond of connection between the company and the consumers. Thus, Internet does provide this particular platform for these communication

Most people especially when finding a certain particular information today, internet would be the first option one would think of in order to gain certain information, perhaps such as a product or service example Air Asia. Entering the word 'Air Asia' in the Google search engine would definitely show the Air Asia Airlines service at top of the search list which most people will definitely click on because the search engine put that as the first priority in the search list. But lets say one would like to find on the types of imitation products on the net such as those in China with product or services have the similar brand name but finding this China products will be a definite hassle as the search engine will come out the original company's name rather than the imitation even if one typed in the imitation name into the search engine. As the theory suggested the long tail, search engine will definitely have the most popular or famous search at the top of the search engine list, giving lots of clutter to one particular search having lots of irrelevant information coming out into the search engine list, even by using the advanced search function, the search information comes out on the search engine platform gives lots of unnecessary irrelevant information. The internet has an abundance of information, the information is there but is hard to get to the particular information especially searching for imitation products for education, entertainment, business or any purposes. Due to the abundance amount of information on the internet, the particular information at times can be cluttered by other information.  

Sunday 18 September 2011

# IN 1! (Worship at the Altar of Convergence)

Today's technology has given us the opportunity to lead a better and more comfortable life. Comparing to the past, everything was different as each object has its own specific purpose but not today. According to this week's article on convergence, among the issues discuss was on cell phones becoming a multi-functional tool than just simply being the normal usual phones. In relation to the issue of convergence, the cell phone or hand phone is one of the major tool which has evolved to further delight the lives of people for example, reading news, social networking, instant messaging, text messaging, e-mailing, calling, taking a picture, capturing a video footage, all could be done through one device which is the cell phone, hand phone or mobile phone. One of the many reasons for convergence to take place is due to the fact of the fast phase of working life in each and every individual today in the society. Work has to be done efficiently, and a need for people is to have all the functions a computer has, and could slip into the pockets of individuals. Thus, the cell phone industry such as Sony, Nokia, Apple, Samsung, and many others has given the platform for the people to have access to such variables using their mobile phone services platform. 

The problem arises, when the term of a particular tool becomes non specific anymore. According to the readings on Worship at the Altar of Convergence, it mentions on the particular specific products such as Hand Phone. Example, I want to buy a phone which only has the function to call and nothing else such as the classical old house telephone, but most stores today are not selling a single function mobile phone which sorts of distort the usage term of telephones. It has become multi-functional, even looking at the computers or laptops today, the internet service has provided the laptops or computers to work the same as the modern mobile phone today in society. A computer can now call, draw, take pictures, video conference and many more similarly to the hand phone. This could make life convenient but the fact remains that objects are becoming less specific but in a more broader sense of view of perspective. One major reason is as stated in the above, this can be an issue to consumers in the future, if everything starts to become multi-functional and these multi-function tools are as good as any others multi-functional tool out in the market, for example, imagine you are buying a camera, but the camera also comes with other functions such as calling, internet surfing and other multi functional tools. Thus walking into the store asking the store manager, 'Hey, I want to buy that camera' but it turns out actually to be a gaming console, with camera and many other functionality. It would come to distort the meaning of phone, camera, computer, or any other apparatus.   

Certain tools, should remain specifically for specific purpose I believe, if not every meaning to the word will become a clouded term looking into that sense, though it may make living life more comfortable where everything is in one, the specific usage of certain tools may lose appreciation perhaps one day camera, phones, laptops might just be a single word known as 'caonetops' (combination of words camera, phone, & laptop), which definitely would be weird.  

Saturday 10 September 2011


Copying is right or Copying is Wrong? An ambiguous title indeed. It can be right or wrong depending on the situation. Different people have different opinions regarding copying. Looking into a reading written & researched by author John W. Snapper on the topic of "On the Web, Plagiarism Matters More Than Copyright Policy" has stated his opinions regarding copying or one can say that Snapper has identified and break down copying in two simpler forms known today very well Piracy and Plagiarism. 

In this particular reading, Snapper has reviewed over the past and compared to today's modern technology which had made copying easier. In fact with this particular media today, the 'Internet' which is heavily used by millions of people around the world could just copy anything of the information provided in the world wide web. As discussed in class on last Wednesday's DIGC202 lecture, apart of the information shared in this particular lecture, there are a group of people find that copying is an acceptable behavior. This can be seen as a huge market in this particular country China, which imitate the product designs of other established companies such as Apple, Crocs, Motorola, Adidas and many more then selling it as their own with few minor twigs to the particular product.

 Recognize The Brands?

With technology today, is so easy to copy as mention earlier. Above images are example of product imitations from China with minor twigs as stated earlier. According to Snapper, The above following will considered as piracy, because as explained by Snapper, this particular creators of this products wouldn't have permission from the Original companies to edit or change the product and even if they did, the proper logo or brand is not there or there is no recognition towards the original brands. However, Piracy isn't still as bad compared to one who plagiarize another person's work and claiming it as their own personal work. This is the point which I believe to be an inhumane act or something which is immoral of value. Definitely is wrong to just take other's work and claiming it as one's own personally. Because, the effort of others which they work so hard to get the idea and research done, then coming up with all the detail is then stolen by another person who just uses a typical method of copying and with internet today the function button is just two buttons away and two step away, CTRL + C & CTRL+V. Then VOILA! the work of one is complete, without effort, without hardships.

To an extent copying doesn't necessary is all wrong, but can be right as well. Relating to a topic that is about to be discussed in the next class which is Convergence. It talks of the idea of people tend to accept things to be right, if everyone is doing it. In relation to this point of copying, meaning copying could be a right thing to do? Such as the way things are happening in China now that they are imitating products all over the world and eventually more companies in China are opening that does this particular product imitations. In relation to the overall view, is really hard to say that copying can be wrong thing to do because there are already people whom are into the copying business such as the ones in China. Thus, if everyone slowly starts to copy one another, it will become an acceptable thing in society in fact when we look at China today in our own set mind of views, we do know that China is copying products from all over the world. However, how come they are allowing this particular group of people to do so? Is it because of is China? or is it because of the establishment stereotypical mindset that only China can copy other people's work because they have been doing it for over a long period of years. 

Wednesday 24 August 2011

Rise of A New Type of Labour

This week lesson and readings of the class are focused on the topic of Liquid Labour. It is a new kind of labour seen today and is done by many people today. Basically Liquid Labour is the of character traits of a person, that ties in personal leisure and work together, this makes it hard to differentiate whether work and personal leisure are two separate different things anymore. Even in DIGC202 tutorial class, we discussed on Google which are one of the companies outside that's said to be one of the nicest place to work in today. Why is it? Google Corporation contains almost every facilities one can ask for in return for working in this particular company such Foosball, Beach Volleyball, Cafes, Bicycles or Scooters for efficient travelling within the Google company or much more known as Googleplex (nicknamed by Google and many more other facilities as well.

Perhaps this video can serve a better view of the Googleplex or Google company on the company's working lifestyle and the facilities provided by Google Corporation.


Coming back to the point of Liquid Labour, Google are one of the many companies which have it's people or family to have indulge in the works state of Liquid Labour. Nevertheless, look at our personal life as a student as well, especially today. We're all working on the assignments which requires us to access a particular information or data required, for example Blogs - We tend to blog on things we like, but now in degree we are using blogs as an education platform for students to share their knowledge as part of their assignment task which is the online presence. Twitter - social networking site for people to post up a short post update on anything they want to share about, but Twitter is now part of an education platform for students of DIGC202 to share their main points of their blog post and reply to tweets regarding on their main points from other students. As described the examples, is becoming more of a clouded term which differentiate between work and leisure.

Look into the reading written by Mark Deuze, "Liquid Life, Convergence Culture and Media Work" mentions upon few of the following key points. Firstly is Social Theory, second is Liquid Modernity and lastly Media work. Work and life are becoming together as one whole singular subject which in the sense that work is becoming a way of life. Especially today in the 21st century, as mentioned by Deuze "Work and life are becoming a factor which no longer be something that will be different, in fact the term of work and life are beginning to mix up, thus spilling into each other becoming more uncertain which are dependent on the characteristics of the other." A liquid life as mentioned by Mark Deuze, a life which is filled in with many uncertainty especially in ways we handle our work or live in our daily life.

Particularly this happen due to the rapid change of technologies which are improving overtime. Look at the few technology gadgets we have today, laptops, Iphones, Ipad, Smartphones, Blackberry, and many more. One characteristics shared by this gadgets we have is convenient and mobility. Work can be done anywhere today, which no longer requires people to head to offices to do their work there. Take a look at college students today compared to the past of 1990's, internet access is limited and mobility of having them to finish up their assignment are also limited as well. Student's are bounded to use the big personal computers or desktop computers which during that era only provide them with such technology and because of its size one can say. It is inconvenient for the student to bring along their work along to anywhere they want to go due to is inefficiency such as its mobility. Today is a whole new different story as mentioned earlier even using the mobile phone today, people can type out their work using their phone. Submission of assignment or work report can also be done using the internet platform that can be accessed globally today from any hotspots such as cafe's or restaurant providing WIFI connection or having the USB wireless broadband that allows people to connect from anywhere in the world as long its within the area of a telecommunication service "the phone line".

In addition, the liquid labor has allow people to communicate more efficiently as well. Instead of having to go through a specific centralized system such as the snail mail posting, today e-mail provides the platform for decentralized method of communication which allows people to deliver messages easier to one another. In companies is accustomed that, there is a certain hierarchical structure staffs has to follow in meeting. Even looking into education, e-mailing becomes a formal form of invitation which students has to do in order to set up a meeting with their lecturers instead of having to go through a reception and having to book a time for the meeting and confirm with the reception but not the directed person whom you want to meet. Communication can be more direct instead of having to go through people to people to people, causing the message to be lost or have different meaning when it reaches the particular person.

In conclusion, many barriers of labour especially can be overcome today, time, place, location, and many more won't be a drawback to people in completing their work. Liquid labour provides the perfect explanation of today's culture on the way people has start to deal things especially with labour task, everything today is moving at a fast paced structure whereby everything is on-the-go. Using back the traditional could lead to a fall back for individual in completing their labour task. Work and life can be said as becoming mutually as a whole as time goes by. It is becoming something, soon to be very clouded  and hard to differentiate one another as time goes by every second.

Note to everyone: 
All this information are for educational purposes only, feel free to share your opinions with me in the comment box and do share your thoughts are there anything you'll like to correct me on? add on? We are all learning =D

Friday 19 August 2011

Ecology, A Nature of Balance

"New Media are not bridges between man and woman: They are nature" 
Marshall McLuhan, 1969

Before moving into the details, the above quote as quoted by Marshall McLuhan can be explained as a nature of balance which is tied in with the concept of Ecology. Take a look at the internet for example as one of the new medias we have today, according to McLuhan the way I interpret the quote is that using internet as an example of the new media which is the dominating the world today, it says that the arising of new media helps develop communication between people in a natural way. Meaning arising of new media are the ones that helps brings the world forward by reflecting upon the older medias. In simpler words, it brings development between the way communication or information is being driven by looking at the past and improving from this past.

Based on the journal "Open Cultures and The Nature of Networks" by Felix Stalder, regarding on the topic of "The Nature of Network", the digital media is understood to be similar to the body of a human. Human, we know that the things we do, act, behave, are controlled by the brain. Thus according to Stalder in correlation with the digital media, it uses the concept of Ecology.  In the human body, we consists of two major transport system that helps transfer blood throughout our body which are the veins and arteries but for the digital media using the theory concept of Ecology, it can be broken down into nodes and flows which works mutually constitutive. As mentioned by Stalder "Nodes and Flows builds upon one another." Without organizing the flow of information, there will be just nodes with noises thus this noise can be in a form of unwanted data or info. 

Ecology according to Stalder, is based on Four main dimensions i) Interdependency ii) Change iii) Time-boundness iv) Differentiation. Reflecting upon the four main dimensions Stalder mention in Ecology, it is understood that this can be referred to as the way on how networks functions. Networks depend on other networks to function and to improve themselves, these networks will then form a change as mentioned by Stalder. The change from this could result in a positive manner or it can also be vice-versa. Networks or people are always bounded by time, looking at the journal and reflecting with reality is understandable that people everyday learn something new even if it is a minor knowledge like learning how to work a washing machine, the point is people tend to improve themselves every single day, with this it can be tied in with the point of Time-boundness. An athlete, a track & field sportsman are always racing to take the no.1 spot in any tournament but with this comes the pressure of time pressing against their chest as they run the time ticks and ticks and ticks not stopping for the sportsman/sportswoman. Same goes to networking, while spending time plotting or strategizing ways to penetrate the market share based on trends, the trend in the culture today is constantly at its feet and changing in ways no one can predict precisely. Even if a particular person does predict the way a trend changes, they have to considerate that there are competitors or rivals out there that are waiting to steal that idea and develop this idea to overpower you, Survival of the fittest one can say. 

Overcoming, this pressure there is one way as stated by Stalder will be Differentiation. An example of big companies that tumble down from being the major dominator of the social networking site is Friendster, which was completely pounded to the ground by social networking site Facebook. Or in particular to also a social networking site which resembles the functionality of Friendster and Facebook combine together. How come this particular social networking website is not dominating although it has the functionality combination of Friendster and Facebook? One reason as mention by Stalder will be Differentiation. Similarity will be seen to people something as cluttered which is invisible to people and will not arouse interest as one can say duplicated. But is not the same some may ask, looking it at a general point of view is just another social networking site which was brought up late after dominating organization Facebook and Friendster. 

Ecology, Instead of looking ways of fighting against an idea that's developed, look at it in a way that is a growth to a particular new something. As the quote by McLuhan says they are nature, is not just a platform that will remain the same always, eventually everything will grow especially media. Proof to this arising new media are around us and in different channels from file sharing, Facebook, Youtube, Twitter, Google+ and so many more. Google+, predicted will be the incoming take over of the social networking trend as talked by people around society today. Reason being I believe that, would be because Google has taken a step in developing from Mark Zuckenberg idea of Facebook to a more secured and personal social networking style that uses the concept of circles. (Do share your opinion on Google+ growth with me people! Are there anymore reasons to the growth of Google+ in relation with Ecology)

Note to everyone: 
All this information are for educational purposes only, feel free to share your opinions with me in the comment box and do share your thoughts are there anything you'll like to correct me on? add on? We are all learning =D

Tuesday 16 August 2011

No Boundaries

Why No Boundaries? What does the title explains from just this 2 words "No Boundaries". Internet has shown it's worth in the world today on it's importance. Without Internet the world as we know today won't be able to function as efficient the way we are currently managing / doing things such as businesses, entertainment, socializing and etc. Internet has evolved to function in any ways that one human can think off and there's no limit to the growth technology of Internet.  In the previous post we can relate even internet has become a place for networking to grow. Today, as discussed in the class in DIGC202, Internet is the most or highest media which is consume by people all around the world today especially the young ones. Let's for a moment look at Internet in the past and Internet today, to help us realize the changes undergone in this particular media.

Internet, in order to access this particular media in the past, people have to undergo the process of dial-up connection that in comparison to today's internet, all are on high broadband speed, wireless, optic fibres are so much faster in comparison to the past at an amazing least of 1000x faster. Owning the dial-up modem in the past is considered a luxury item whomever owns it, but today everyone and anyone can go into the internet and search for information regardless of anything. It is also possible to surf the world wide web from anywhere in the world now, examples are such as cafe's & restaurant that provides WIFI Connection which allows people to go to this certain places or much more known as Hotspots to allow connectivity to the internet. Looking at the historical background of the internet just on the modem's it is easy to say Internet has become an influential tool that everyone must have today.

Which brings to my point of "No Boundaries". Internet is one of the newest media and also fastest growing media in comparison to the others. An example, look at President John Kennedy, 35th President of the United States of America which can be said that he won the election by conquering the growing media at his era which is the television to win over voters to come and vote for him in short. Then look at 44th President of United States, President Barack Obama which also follows a similar pattern with Presiden John Kennedy is that, himself too has utilize the media which is the internet as discussed in class today as well that President Barack Obama has approached people and communicating with them through the internet platform which have many more platforms in this internet such as social networking sites, blogs, webpages and etc. Looking at this structure, is easy to say that this platform, the internet has done its role to help politicians to win elections or even help solve certain problems for the representatives of a particular politician group.

Example of Hotspots Cafe's

Thus now we got an angle of Internet - Politician, which can be said to be the growth of this media "The Internet". Today Internet also serve lots of different platform accounts such as businesses, games, entertainment, socializing and so many more. Looking it in this particular manner is really a Utopian account towards the internet but Internet is growing as mentioned, thus when something grows or anything there is the tendency to grow in a bad manner which brings to apocalyptic accounts of the internet. Internet has brought lots of greatness, comfort to our life but it also becomes a platform for people to do apocalyptic moves which by something that will bring Internet a step back from evolving into something much better. In simple terms, means of hacking, scamming, pornography, viruses, worms, Trojan and much more. 

Looking in this manner in relation to this new media, it depends on the users, the way they the internet, for what purposes? Is it for negative or positive purposes? and depending on each of this purposes Internet will provide further opportunities for New Industries to come in. (Eg: if negative purposes such as scamming/ hacking ; new industries that arises are such as Antivirus / Firewall Companies to prevent this people from doing something relating with apocalyptic measures to ensure that Internet would be a safer place.)

To sum up the points of the long post; it really comes down towards the lecture of DIGC202 today that are as the following:

1) Internet has no central authority.
  • It belongs to everyone, anyone can use it the way they want to. It is controlled  by the every individual who surfs the web. It's something which is shared. 

2) Internet has Different Rules/ Ethnics/Ways 
  • Rules in the sense of Java coding & HTML (Hypertext Markup Language)
  • Proxy settings, TCP / IP concept.
  • Internet may provide the place for freedom of speech but doing so does bring in consequencesto the people in reality, as in to face with the external laws of the users are living in which is   their particular area or country.

3) Internet Culture
  •  Nationalistic culture (why?)
Internet is a place which culture all doesn't matter anymore as it is virtual. Meaning in virtual having the concept of everyone being a user, everyone is part of the community in cyberworld in a way such that everyone is anonymous to each and one another. In adding so, meaning everyone doesn't discriminate each other without having to have face problems such as the local culture (clothing, dialect, accent, local music, food, etc...) has. Nationality of the  Internet. 

 4) Transactions / Relationship / Deep Connections
  • People though might not know each other but they can relate to one another in Internet. Particularly are places such as forums or a specialized website which people of different places might not know each other but they can relate to each other even if they never met before.
  •  How people connect.

5) Virtual Reality 
  • Could be created which leads to rising of new industries. (Players / Customers) 

6) New Industries
  • Communication media, a place of new distribution of wealth. Clear cut example are such as Google, Online gaming, Online News, Online Music and many more. 
  • It's a changing world and Internet is becoming part of the change based on today's trend. 

Note to everyone: 
All this information are for educational purposes only, feel free to share your opinions with me in the comment box and do share your thoughts are there anything you'll like to correct me on? add on? We are all learning =D