Sunday 16 October 2011

Free Flow of Information!

The internet is a place which contains and produces lots of information by the prosumers or produsers of the internet. Internet offers a place which everything is decentralized meaning no one has control over this particular platform which make it a place that promotes freedom. However, freedom may seems like a nice or wonderful term to think of, sometimes freedom which may be a good thing to many people it also can be bad towards the people (everyone). Anything people need today in particular to information, most people will refer to the internet to get the latest scoop of the real news, what does one means by real news? fairly because news on television, newspaper, radio or any media except the internet is filtered. One of it is because is governed by the government to ensure the news that is delivered to the public will not cause panic or chaos to the public. 

It seems to be a fairly rigid reason one may assume to say, however as much as an organization wants to filter a particular news, somehow or another people will tend to know the truth behind a particular news even if is filtered in a way which might make a person seem powerful or glamorous but in actual fact the person may be a corrupted person in nature, which uses the media towards his advantage to gain popularity. People will know the truth behind every single detail regarding a particular news as time goes by. However, there are times such as things which people should not need to know is posted on the internet such as a particular platform organization Wikileaks.  

Sometimes, does people really need to know on details such as diary of the wars from people who was participating in war of America against Iraq, or on prisoner details in Guantanamo, are all these necessary one must mention. Firstly, these information may not affect any ordinary people's life but after publishing certain materials in the internet, it starts to become a factor and takes major impact upon people's life for example details of prisoners in Guantanamo, definitely there are reason why officials doesn't want details on prisoners to go public, first of all some of the prisoners could be leaders of a notorious gang leaders which could spark chaos towards the gang to start a rebel in helping to break the leader out of the jail, why not right? This could also cause, people to start wondering who are exactly all these people and why are they jail'd inside Guantanamo prison causing public to want to just visit the prison for entertainment purposes. Anything could happen which could endanger people's life having the free flow of information. 

Information, sometimes has to be controlled, a balance would be nice to be seen, easy to say but hard to do definitely putting one self into government officials sit, but also people want to know more of everything happening around the world. What would be the best solution to this? Regulating news then having people to find out the actual fact which is actually very different from officials point of view, or having people to not know whats happening around them, then suddenly hit them hard in life which could endanger them. 



  1. Hi Kok Han!

    I personally think that regulating the web would not be a good idea in monitoring the behaviors of the people. In fact, it will cause more uproar because the web is meant to be free and it promotes freedom of speech. If government is to regulate the web, it's like violating the rule of the web and this will definitely not help in calming the people down but making them more angry.

    However, the best way I can think of in controlling the situation is through the monitoring of the web. Superiors should understand the potential of the website - WikiLeaks - as proof and instead of having others to tell the public what they had done, superiors should take the responsibility in informing the public themselves. This will definitely allow more credibility in the superiors compared to having other websites in telling the public what they intend to hide.

  2. I suppose you are right Su Wern. Regulating the web wouldn't be the best way, and I totally agree that the higher authorities should be responsible that if information does leak out when they already did a cover up for the particular news could means that the cover up wasn't a good enough job. In fact I really agree with you that superiors themselves should take responsibility in informing the public of the events taking place.

    Thanks for your feedback Su Wern!

  3. Hey Kok Han
    Much agreed that information has to be controlled if too much information is leaked out who knows what will happen. As for politician they usually use the media to their advantage as you said and further cover up a lot of their internal doings. For example for all we know that politician could have rigged the election and all he has to do is pay off people for their silence. But in time the truth will surface.

  4. Finally, somebody who agrees with me! Like you said, lives could be endangered with this free flow of information. Do we need to know these kind of information? Can we possibly view things in the same light again?

    A balance, as you said would be nice. We want to live in a world where we are not fed lies and stories but the real deal. But the real deal has to be covered up not to scare the masses. Imagine if the city of KL knew about the amount of bomb scares (hypothetical) the amount of frenzy the citizen will be put in? We need to know what is going on, and we live in a world where we are not stupid enough to be blindly fed by empty news.

    What do you think? :)
