Sunday 16 October 2011

Citizen Journalism

As technology improve throughout each second of our daily life, media sort to evolve as well and follows the flow of technological advancement. Thus, due to this fact one of the greatest media industry of all time has been affected greatly which is the under the journalism category. Today, most with internet access gets their news from the online platform due to journalism timeliness, whereby most news has to be up to date which will give the latest scoop of the dirt. Compared to the traditional media newspaper, is slower and by the time a reader gets to read a particular news, is old story as the ones with online access can retrieve the news way earlier compared to those waiting for the newspaper to publish the particular news. This is great news to everybody, but with growing platforms such as Facebook, lots of people instead of heading to the official news website, they just read it of people's wall in Facebook or status update which seem to be faster and more convenient and best part of all the news of a particular event is done by that person's friend or contact in Facebook personally. What does this means? Due to the fact of convergence, is so easy to bring along a camera, a writing tool, or even better just recording a whole particular incident. Lots of this case had happen, which have been posted on social networking sites such as Facebook which will gives the story more direct compared to the news agency which have sometimes distort the news value due to filtering & gatekeeping by the Editors of a particular news central. People would rather have the dirt than having something which is distort that blurs the view of news reporting, and capturing a particular event just through usage of mobile phones like Nokia N8, Apple iPhone, Samsung Galaxy SII, or any other phone that could act as a multi platform for news capturing and reporting. In short, even normal people can be journalist today and not needing a particular official journalist to work to give the inside scoop of an event, but the users themselves. Main highlight towards citizen journalism is credibility of a particular news, anyone can just come up with their own news today, with many different softwares online today which allows people to create their own particular videos and can insert many filters and effects to make a particular video seem real thus lying to many people just to get visitors to their own particular online page. Users of the internet has to watch out as well and be the editor the same time, meaning ensure that whatever news which one got can be measured whether a particular news is credible. How may one do so? simple just check in other online sources and official news page website, whether that particular news is broadcasted or shown in their website also with the information along it.


  1. Hi Kok Han!

    The fact that you highlighted - How many people actually check the credibility of the news source they obtain from the Internet?

    I think that's a really important factor to be considered. Because individuals, especially the younger generations, do not really do so. It's hard. The headline gets the attention and no one bothers to look at who wrote the news or from where the news was shared. But looking at this factor, I would point to another fact that nowadays everyone just wants things to be fast. Isn't that the whole purpose of the Internet? To get things done fast so that work can be done effectively. However, because of this distinctive feature of the Internet, it somehow allows the individuals to bypass the "source-verification step" just to get the latest news. (And sometimes news are simply exaggerated, especially news spread on Facebook).

    Everyone wants to know the latest news, but everyone tends to forget to check if the "latest news" are real news instead of simply rumors. For this, I think institutions responsible ought to take action in implanting the importance in verifying the source of online news (especially those being spread/shared) to the younger generations. As we can see that we are moving from the traditional news platforms to the digital platforms. We are have bear in mind that we are now "shifting", not "shifted". Thus, it's now or never.

  2. Hey there,
    Yes it is true by the time the it gets on the newspaper is a old news but that's what our grandparents prefer and they feel it is the most reliable source to obtain a news. The reason why because they feel most time the content is just stole from else where and posted.They feel that the content might be inaccurate, offensive, or otherwise lack credibility. And the trustworthiness of reporting might therefore result in a loss of confidence in the news. This because the news can be edited and rewrite.

  3. Hey Su Wern, that is so true for the credibility of news issue which could potentially put many people into a false alarm such as back into the history where there was a program on the radio naming "war of the worlds" those that tune in half way the program, really do believe as though an alien is really invading the earth which caused tremendous panic all over the country. Thus is similar towards today's news as well as people simply just spreads the rumor or news that just came out without checking the source of the news from such as on Facebook.

  4. Hey Meg! Is very true that is happening in the digital media today, as people can just cut bit and pieces of different news and then create their own news which could really make people have the impression of "is this really real?" that could actually make people to actually stop reading news on the digital platform as it is not edited by official editors from the media industry in doing the gatekeeping process with these particular news media.

  5. Hey Kok Han

    I agree that we should do a double check and check with other news portal to check for credibility of the news see whether it tallies or maybe some extra that the other news portal left out.
