Tuesday 16 August 2011

No Boundaries

Why No Boundaries? What does the title explains from just this 2 words "No Boundaries". Internet has shown it's worth in the world today on it's importance. Without Internet the world as we know today won't be able to function as efficient the way we are currently managing / doing things such as businesses, entertainment, socializing and etc. Internet has evolved to function in any ways that one human can think off and there's no limit to the growth technology of Internet.  In the previous post we can relate even internet has become a place for networking to grow. Today, as discussed in the class in DIGC202, Internet is the most or highest media which is consume by people all around the world today especially the young ones. Let's for a moment look at Internet in the past and Internet today, to help us realize the changes undergone in this particular media.

Internet, in order to access this particular media in the past, people have to undergo the process of dial-up connection that in comparison to today's internet, all are on high broadband speed, wireless, optic fibres are so much faster in comparison to the past at an amazing least of 1000x faster. Owning the dial-up modem in the past is considered a luxury item whomever owns it, but today everyone and anyone can go into the internet and search for information regardless of anything. It is also possible to surf the world wide web from anywhere in the world now, examples are such as cafe's & restaurant that provides WIFI Connection which allows people to go to this certain places or much more known as Hotspots to allow connectivity to the internet. Looking at the historical background of the internet just on the modem's it is easy to say Internet has become an influential tool that everyone must have today.

Which brings to my point of "No Boundaries". Internet is one of the newest media and also fastest growing media in comparison to the others. An example, look at President John Kennedy, 35th President of the United States of America which can be said that he won the election by conquering the growing media at his era which is the television to win over voters to come and vote for him in short. Then look at 44th President of United States, President Barack Obama which also follows a similar pattern with Presiden John Kennedy is that, himself too has utilize the media which is the internet as discussed in class today as well that President Barack Obama has approached people and communicating with them through the internet platform which have many more platforms in this internet such as social networking sites, blogs, webpages and etc. Looking at this structure, is easy to say that this platform, the internet has done its role to help politicians to win elections or even help solve certain problems for the representatives of a particular politician group.

Example of Hotspots Cafe's

Thus now we got an angle of Internet - Politician, which can be said to be the growth of this media "The Internet". Today Internet also serve lots of different platform accounts such as businesses, games, entertainment, socializing and so many more. Looking it in this particular manner is really a Utopian account towards the internet but Internet is growing as mentioned, thus when something grows or anything there is the tendency to grow in a bad manner which brings to apocalyptic accounts of the internet. Internet has brought lots of greatness, comfort to our life but it also becomes a platform for people to do apocalyptic moves which by something that will bring Internet a step back from evolving into something much better. In simple terms, means of hacking, scamming, pornography, viruses, worms, Trojan and much more. 

Looking in this manner in relation to this new media, it depends on the users, the way they the internet, for what purposes? Is it for negative or positive purposes? and depending on each of this purposes Internet will provide further opportunities for New Industries to come in. (Eg: if negative purposes such as scamming/ hacking ; new industries that arises are such as Antivirus / Firewall Companies to prevent this people from doing something relating with apocalyptic measures to ensure that Internet would be a safer place.)

To sum up the points of the long post; it really comes down towards the lecture of DIGC202 today that are as the following:

1) Internet has no central authority.
  • It belongs to everyone, anyone can use it the way they want to. It is controlled  by the every individual who surfs the web. It's something which is shared. 

2) Internet has Different Rules/ Ethnics/Ways 
  • Rules in the sense of Java coding & HTML (Hypertext Markup Language)
  • Proxy settings, TCP / IP concept.
  • Internet may provide the place for freedom of speech but doing so does bring in consequencesto the people in reality, as in to face with the external laws of the users are living in which is   their particular area or country.

3) Internet Culture
  •  Nationalistic culture (why?)
Internet is a place which culture all doesn't matter anymore as it is virtual. Meaning in virtual having the concept of everyone being a user, everyone is part of the community in cyberworld in a way such that everyone is anonymous to each and one another. In adding so, meaning everyone doesn't discriminate each other without having to have face problems such as the local culture (clothing, dialect, accent, local music, food, etc...) has. Nationality of the  Internet. 

 4) Transactions / Relationship / Deep Connections
  • People though might not know each other but they can relate to one another in Internet. Particularly are places such as forums or a specialized website which people of different places might not know each other but they can relate to each other even if they never met before.
  •  How people connect.

5) Virtual Reality 
  • Could be created which leads to rising of new industries. (Players / Customers) 

6) New Industries
  • Communication media, a place of new distribution of wealth. Clear cut example are such as Google, Online gaming, Online News, Online Music and many more. 
  • It's a changing world and Internet is becoming part of the change based on today's trend. 

Note to everyone: 
All this information are for educational purposes only, feel free to share your opinions with me in the comment box and do share your thoughts are there anything you'll like to correct me on? add on? We are all learning =D


  1. Hi! First and foremost, I like your heading - "No Boundaries". I had been thinking of all sort of ways to describe the limitless potential of the Internet and the Cyberspace with the best/perfect word but nothing seems to pop into my head. Great one!

    Your connection between the development of the Internet with the socio-political factor provides me a head-start with the connections between these two very important and very crucial elements. I never see how the Internet can be connected to political development but now I see why. Thanks for the information! :) That's another area for me to start thinking.

    You have short and concise descriptions on the characteristics of the Internet. Straightforward and easy to understand. Thanks for the summaries :) I can now understand these characteristics in a simpler way. One question I would like you to think about, or perhaps both of us can ponder on, is: Where do you think the development of the Internet will lead us to? Let's exchange some ideas :)

  2. "No Boundaries" is a powerful title for a blog title. Like you mentioned it refers to technological boundaries as well as social and political boundaries.

    I like that you point out the demise of nationalistic culture on the net. Everybody shares the same language, tools, applications even identity.

    And your call on scamming/hacking giving rise to security software companies is insightful.

    To the first point, what about the use of the internet to instigate a revolution that we see is happening in a number of Arabic countries right now?

  3. Hey thanks sir for the comment =), according to a research i done, the arab countries are one of the many countries that are slow to develop the technology use of the internet in the 1990's while compared to Malaysia, US, Japan, Korea and other develop countries have already the very least tuned into the Dial-up connection. Thus, Arabic today have already been develop especially areas such as Saudi Arabia, Egypt, and Morocco have already gained accustom towards the technology of internet and have been learning from it. Total number of arabic users in the net today is estimated to be 38 million people. Thus because of this factor it could be one of the proove or reason which I believe to be the revolution that's happening now due to the influence of the internet, whereby networks which are formed by the cyberculture, are then shared among the community (those people without internet and internet) in this Arab countries. As mentioned in my post, people can use the internet in ways which are positive or negative and to the revolution seen in the Arabic countries, in this case a negative purpose was stirred up by the cyber community and the Arab community that instigated the revolution which we see happening today. =D

  4. http://www.al-bab.com/media/internet.htm

    this website the one i referred to for the statistics data of Arab people
