Friday 19 August 2011

Ecology, A Nature of Balance

"New Media are not bridges between man and woman: They are nature" 
Marshall McLuhan, 1969

Before moving into the details, the above quote as quoted by Marshall McLuhan can be explained as a nature of balance which is tied in with the concept of Ecology. Take a look at the internet for example as one of the new medias we have today, according to McLuhan the way I interpret the quote is that using internet as an example of the new media which is the dominating the world today, it says that the arising of new media helps develop communication between people in a natural way. Meaning arising of new media are the ones that helps brings the world forward by reflecting upon the older medias. In simpler words, it brings development between the way communication or information is being driven by looking at the past and improving from this past.

Based on the journal "Open Cultures and The Nature of Networks" by Felix Stalder, regarding on the topic of "The Nature of Network", the digital media is understood to be similar to the body of a human. Human, we know that the things we do, act, behave, are controlled by the brain. Thus according to Stalder in correlation with the digital media, it uses the concept of Ecology.  In the human body, we consists of two major transport system that helps transfer blood throughout our body which are the veins and arteries but for the digital media using the theory concept of Ecology, it can be broken down into nodes and flows which works mutually constitutive. As mentioned by Stalder "Nodes and Flows builds upon one another." Without organizing the flow of information, there will be just nodes with noises thus this noise can be in a form of unwanted data or info. 

Ecology according to Stalder, is based on Four main dimensions i) Interdependency ii) Change iii) Time-boundness iv) Differentiation. Reflecting upon the four main dimensions Stalder mention in Ecology, it is understood that this can be referred to as the way on how networks functions. Networks depend on other networks to function and to improve themselves, these networks will then form a change as mentioned by Stalder. The change from this could result in a positive manner or it can also be vice-versa. Networks or people are always bounded by time, looking at the journal and reflecting with reality is understandable that people everyday learn something new even if it is a minor knowledge like learning how to work a washing machine, the point is people tend to improve themselves every single day, with this it can be tied in with the point of Time-boundness. An athlete, a track & field sportsman are always racing to take the no.1 spot in any tournament but with this comes the pressure of time pressing against their chest as they run the time ticks and ticks and ticks not stopping for the sportsman/sportswoman. Same goes to networking, while spending time plotting or strategizing ways to penetrate the market share based on trends, the trend in the culture today is constantly at its feet and changing in ways no one can predict precisely. Even if a particular person does predict the way a trend changes, they have to considerate that there are competitors or rivals out there that are waiting to steal that idea and develop this idea to overpower you, Survival of the fittest one can say. 

Overcoming, this pressure there is one way as stated by Stalder will be Differentiation. An example of big companies that tumble down from being the major dominator of the social networking site is Friendster, which was completely pounded to the ground by social networking site Facebook. Or in particular to also a social networking site which resembles the functionality of Friendster and Facebook combine together. How come this particular social networking website is not dominating although it has the functionality combination of Friendster and Facebook? One reason as mention by Stalder will be Differentiation. Similarity will be seen to people something as cluttered which is invisible to people and will not arouse interest as one can say duplicated. But is not the same some may ask, looking it at a general point of view is just another social networking site which was brought up late after dominating organization Facebook and Friendster. 

Ecology, Instead of looking ways of fighting against an idea that's developed, look at it in a way that is a growth to a particular new something. As the quote by McLuhan says they are nature, is not just a platform that will remain the same always, eventually everything will grow especially media. Proof to this arising new media are around us and in different channels from file sharing, Facebook, Youtube, Twitter, Google+ and so many more. Google+, predicted will be the incoming take over of the social networking trend as talked by people around society today. Reason being I believe that, would be because Google has taken a step in developing from Mark Zuckenberg idea of Facebook to a more secured and personal social networking style that uses the concept of circles. (Do share your opinion on Google+ growth with me people! Are there anymore reasons to the growth of Google+ in relation with Ecology)

Note to everyone: 
All this information are for educational purposes only, feel free to share your opinions with me in the comment box and do share your thoughts are there anything you'll like to correct me on? add on? We are all learning =D


  1. First of all, hi! :) Secondly, I like the idea of you relating both nodes and the flow with the blood circulation of our bodies. Explain much about the transferring/transmitting process? Blood = the flow; Nodes = cells?

    The tie-up of the journal's major points with real-case scenarios really helped me a lot in understanding and relating the relationship of nodes vs flow vs networks in a better picture. Love it :) I really need to improve in relating scenarios to what I learned. Social networking sites today is a good example of mergers, in my opinion. The social networking sites have the power to combine everything into one specific platform and in the same time, it also has the ability to further transmit more messages from the very platform it receives the messages from. Your points make me think. Thanks!

    Enjoyed reading your post :)

  2. Flow = Artery, Nodes = Veins heee :D

  3. "In the human body, we consists of two major transport system that helps transfer blood throughout our body which are the veins and arteries but for the digital media using the theory concept of Ecology, it can be broken down into nodes and flows which works mutually constitutive."

    The nodes and flow can be a tricky concept for some to wrap their minds around (like me! heehee!) but I thought the way you relate it to the body system of a human was good.

    With your clarification above that "Flow = Artery, Nodes = Veins", it strengthens the understanding on how does the nodes and flow works. Great job!

    One thing good is that you provide an array of relevant and urban examples to the points! Google+, a new social networking site was great b/c you took account of recent happenings. I havent tried Google+ out yet (don't laugh, or I smack you!) but I will surely do. By then I can share w/ you my opinions! :D

    One thing, if you don't mind me asking, the point of Differentiation. It's nice that you've related the point even to 1malaysia, but where does information ecology comes into part in this segment of yours?

    Thanks! & keep it up, Kok Han! :))

  4. @kokhan

    "Without organizing the flow of information, there will be just nodes with noises thus this noise can be in a form of unwanted data or info."

    is so real..that take our body for example... the blood is our data*information..that flow around our body and passing through every channel which is the heart, organs and etc... if the blood is contaminated..we are screwed and we might be in trouble... so organizing data is important aspect in order to delivery the nodes clearly in order to avoid "noises" as you mention...great write up you have there kh
