Saturday 10 September 2011


Copying is right or Copying is Wrong? An ambiguous title indeed. It can be right or wrong depending on the situation. Different people have different opinions regarding copying. Looking into a reading written & researched by author John W. Snapper on the topic of "On the Web, Plagiarism Matters More Than Copyright Policy" has stated his opinions regarding copying or one can say that Snapper has identified and break down copying in two simpler forms known today very well Piracy and Plagiarism. 

In this particular reading, Snapper has reviewed over the past and compared to today's modern technology which had made copying easier. In fact with this particular media today, the 'Internet' which is heavily used by millions of people around the world could just copy anything of the information provided in the world wide web. As discussed in class on last Wednesday's DIGC202 lecture, apart of the information shared in this particular lecture, there are a group of people find that copying is an acceptable behavior. This can be seen as a huge market in this particular country China, which imitate the product designs of other established companies such as Apple, Crocs, Motorola, Adidas and many more then selling it as their own with few minor twigs to the particular product.

 Recognize The Brands?

With technology today, is so easy to copy as mention earlier. Above images are example of product imitations from China with minor twigs as stated earlier. According to Snapper, The above following will considered as piracy, because as explained by Snapper, this particular creators of this products wouldn't have permission from the Original companies to edit or change the product and even if they did, the proper logo or brand is not there or there is no recognition towards the original brands. However, Piracy isn't still as bad compared to one who plagiarize another person's work and claiming it as their own personal work. This is the point which I believe to be an inhumane act or something which is immoral of value. Definitely is wrong to just take other's work and claiming it as one's own personally. Because, the effort of others which they work so hard to get the idea and research done, then coming up with all the detail is then stolen by another person who just uses a typical method of copying and with internet today the function button is just two buttons away and two step away, CTRL + C & CTRL+V. Then VOILA! the work of one is complete, without effort, without hardships.

To an extent copying doesn't necessary is all wrong, but can be right as well. Relating to a topic that is about to be discussed in the next class which is Convergence. It talks of the idea of people tend to accept things to be right, if everyone is doing it. In relation to this point of copying, meaning copying could be a right thing to do? Such as the way things are happening in China now that they are imitating products all over the world and eventually more companies in China are opening that does this particular product imitations. In relation to the overall view, is really hard to say that copying can be wrong thing to do because there are already people whom are into the copying business such as the ones in China. Thus, if everyone slowly starts to copy one another, it will become an acceptable thing in society in fact when we look at China today in our own set mind of views, we do know that China is copying products from all over the world. However, how come they are allowing this particular group of people to do so? Is it because of is China? or is it because of the establishment stereotypical mindset that only China can copy other people's work because they have been doing it for over a long period of years. 


  1. Kok Han, I like the photo,it's funny. Ya, we can so easy to copy and paste from other people's work buy just a few second will do.

    I'm personal think China is so smart for imitating, they are so smart in term of play around the brand name or logo, it's funny and it's a brilliant idea.. There are too much copy work existing in the world, it's not only in China, it's spread around the world.
    I don't think is the influence of china, it's because of demanding, because peoples need it for certain used. It's just because China have a big population in the world.

    Indeed, the brand is a way too expensive, this is also a satisfaction for those who can't afford to buy a original product.

    =D haha

  2. I like the way you said about copyright but not only china, just like Thailand got a lot of imitation goods around there. It's an immoral action that copying others as it is a not respect action to the creators or owner as you might don't know how important or the meaning of the creators towards what they create. Anyway, thanks for telling us those points. :)

  3. Hai kok han, a nice reasearch about copyright bro...well i like your debate that copying may not be all good neither all bad. End of the day, it may all fall upon wat is the purpose. some copying is done to make things better or to support a new argument, and some are just to get a good name. However i think that the moment we take another individuals work and use it on ours, we should make sure we eiter, cite, reference or give credits to them to avoid any problems later on.

  4. Hi Kok Han!

    I like the examples you had given to highlight your points regarding copyrights. I personally feel that the original creator of any products or brand deserve the recognition from anyone who intends to use the product/brand for any reasons. We have to realize that it's not easy to come out with an idea, let alone making one brand successful. What we can see today is that individuals (groups or companies) have the tendency in using prominent brands as if they own them. If you are the creator of these brands, how would you feel? I would definitely be very frustrated with whoever who had stolen my idea. It's the same concept as if someone had stolen your idea during a pitch or someone had stolen your research ideas which you had prepared for the rest of your life.

    Thus, my point is that we should really appreciate the ideas of the creators behind successful brands/products or anything that we intend to use. Besides, it's not hard to just cite the sources of the materials we use. Before we educate people to recognize these people, we should in fact, educate people to use materials with an appreciative heart first instead.
